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It’s been awhile since my last post! So many things happened…. we purchased two AA10 pregnant heifers in the Spring of 2022, and had two calves born mid-winter. We usually don’t have calves born that time of year, but we figured it out, adding a couple pens for the new mama’s inside the shed. Also, one of our other cows, Miko, had a calf too. So we were feeding/watering/bedding/cleaning 3 extra pens that winter which made for alot more work! We had a total of 10 head! We were just making it through the winter in January 2023 when we were hit with devastating news. Our son Cody was diagnosed with MS. Cody was our herdsman, doing most of the feeding/watering and caring for the cows. So we made the tough decision to sell the cows and half of our farmland. We sold the land almost immediately! I sent a flyer to the Wisconsin Wagyu breeders who are members of the AWA, and we sold our cows to 3 different breeders. We feel they all went to good homes! It was sad to see the cows go, but also it freed us from worries, expenses, and alot of work. All of this made it possible for Craig to retire so we can focus on Cody’s future and find time to relax and enjoy retirement. I plan to work another year or two before retiring. Lost Creek Valley Farm is still here, 39 acres of beautiful farmland and forest. We are leasing fields for planting and are thinking about possibilities for the future of our farm. The story continues…