postheadericon 2020 Summer

This year has been a challenge in so many ways. Covid19 has been the answer and excuse for alot of things! But we have been lucky to still have our off -farm jobs and the cows are doing nicely. We had a Spring storm that knocked a tree down on our shed, damaging the roof and part of the sidewall. Insurance came through and we have the materials ready to get it fixed before winter. This year we bought a hay tedder and a bale wrapper. We want to have quality hay and without a barn for storage, the wrapper was the next best thing. We had to AI the cows again early this summer, so no calves until early Spring 2021. Another purchase was buying our own cattle trailer, something we have been wanting for a long time! And we are finally working on putting in a water fountain. Each year we make improvements to make things streamlined!

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